Library Blog

Share Your Library Love Story

Share Your Library Love Story

Your library story is powerful. Your stories help libraries share how library resources, spaces, and safe places support our community. Your stories, or testimonies are more effective than a librarian sharing what the library offers. Your stories are essential when...

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Making Sense from our Senses

Making Sense from our Senses

By Ann Asbeck Think how often we say “Point to your ears (nose, eyes, mouth”) to young children. Think how often we share songs or rhymes such as “Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes.” These activities are part of young learning from and about seeing, hearing, smelling,...

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Developmental Milestones  Five Year Olds

Developmental Milestones Five Year Olds

By: Mari Lynn Garbowicz During our Coffee and Kids discussions many questions from parents have centered around child development.  In previous months we shared with you information about 3 and 4 year olds.  This month, we will explore the world of the five year old....

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