Welcome Kids!

What’s New?

About Assessments–For Every Child, Multiple Measures
About Assessments For Every Child, Multiple Measures A parent seeking information about a child’s learning is likely to be told about assessments that are done in the school setting. Assessment is a process of collecting information. Discussions about assessments...

Strategies for Solving Word Problems
When I was an elementary student, story problems were my nemesis. Many tears were shed in 4th grade because I couldn’t do them! So I understand the frustration that can come with helping your student complete this type of task! To begin work on a story problem,...
What’s Happening?
Browse Kids
Story Hour
Story Hour is held Tuesdays at 10:00 AM at the Demmer Library in the Maple Room and Thursday mornings at 10:00 AM in Sugar Camp School during the school year.
Stories, songs and fun!
Children will listen to stories, engage in music and movement, explore different art mediums and more. While there is no age requirement, we do ask that your child is able to participate without disrupting others. Caregivers are expected to help guide their children and their behavior in an age-appropriate way.
If schools are closed due to weather or vacation Story Hour will not be in session.
Questions? Call the Demmer Library at 715-546-3391.
Lego Club
Starting in September, the 2nd Monday of each month is Lego Club from 3:30-5:00pm in the Demmer Maple Room. Lego Club is for children of all ages. Come and free build with your friends or play Lego Creationary.

Pokémon Club
Join us in the Demmer Libratory after school to talk about Pokemon and learn how to play the card game. We gather on the third Monday of every month.